「The Lord of The Rings」のイメージムービーをUp - 12/19 20:28

 引き続き「The Lord of The Rings」ネタをば。プレイムービーとは打って変わって,こちらのムービーはCGで作成されたイメージムービーです。主人公のフロドを始め,ガンダルフ,モルドールの黒の乗手,さらにゴクリなども登場するので,原作を知っている人や映画を見た人ならば"ニヤリ"とすること請け合い。サイズもコンパクトだし,「こちら」(17.6MB,50秒)から気軽に覗いてみてください。

"The Lord of the Rings" website (C) 2002 Universal Interactive, Inc. "The Fellowship of the Ring" interactive game (C) 2002 Vivendi Universal Games, Inc. All rights reserved. Map of Middle Earth (C) 1982-2002 The Saul Zaentz Company, dba Tolkien Enterprises, under license to Universal Interactive, Inc. All rights reserved. Based on the book "The Fellowship of the Ring" by J.R.R. Tolkien. The Tolkien Enterprises logo, together with "The Lord of the Rings," "The Fellowship of the Ring," and the characters, events, items, and places therein are trademarks or registered trademarks of The Saul Zaentz Company dba Tolkien Enterprises under license to Vivendi Universal Games, Inc. "The Hobbit" and the characters, events, items and places therein are trademarks of The Saul Zaentz Company dba Tolkien Enterprises and are used, under license, by Sierra Entertainment, Inc.
