「CALL OF DUTY」(英語版)の撮り下ろしムービー第3弾をUp - 2003/11/21 18:39

 第二次世界大戦FPS「CALL OF DUTY」の,英語版撮り下ろしプレイムービー第3弾をforGamerにUpしました。廃墟と化した市街地へ,戦車が突入していくステージです。操縦が拙いのはご愛嬌。ダウンロードは「こちら」(2分34秒,21.4MB)からどうぞ。なお本作は,メディアクエストから2003年12月25日に日本語版が発売されます
(C) 2003 Activision, Inc. and its affiliates. Published and distributed by Activision Publishing, Inc. Activision is a registered trademark and Call of Duty is a trademark of Activision, Inc. and its affiliates. All rights reserved. Developed by Infinity Ward, Inc. This product contains software technology licensed from Id Software, Inc ("Id Technology"). Id Technology (C) 1999-2000 Id Software, Inc. Distributed in Japan by Kids Station, Inc. under agreement with Activision. All other trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective owners.
